How may we serve you?
Our goal is to support our neighbors in need with services that will make your life a little easier. We consider it a privilege to serve you and your family and strive to make our programs a positive experience for you with minimum hassle.
Medical Clinic & Pharmacy
A compassionate team of licensed doctors, nurses, pharmacists, and interpreters dedicated to meeting your healthcare needs.
Food Pantry
A balanced and nutritious supply of food items provided to you by caring volunteers to supplement your family's monthly needs.
Clothing Closet
Compassionate volunteers staff our store of donated clothing, shoes & home items. All is available free of charge for you & your family.

We have big goals
The Shalom Project wants to make a lasting difference to challenge the cycle of poverty in Winston-Salem in addition to the programs we run to assist people with immediate needs. We have chosen to focus our efforts in two areas:
Assisting families as they build permanent pathways out of poverty through our Flourish Program
Building a more accessible community though the Peters Creek Community Initiative (PCCI)

get involved
Share your compassion
Our success depends on the hard work of our volunteers and the financial support of our donors. Please consider supporting The Shalom Project with your time and gifts.
“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the world: indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.”